Monday, June 25, 2012

Crater Lake National Park, Oregon

On our way to Crater Lake National Park!

Eva, Nancy and Pogo

Arnold, Nancy and Pogo

Pogo & Sparkie

Highway 62

A lake full of snowflakes -there are no rivers or streams feeding the lake. The water comes directly from the sky. It is the cleanest and clearest large body of water on Earth. Mmm!!!

Wizard Island in the background!

My beautiful baby!

Nancy & Pogo and Eva & Sparkie

I was thrilled to see snow in June. Amazing! It makes me want to go ski, sled and snowshoe. Maybe, make a snowman and throw snowballs at you :))

Mooseberries are delicious cranberry like berries that grow on rocky slopes and in moist forests of the Rocky Mountains. A little tart, but high i Vitamin C and is irresistible to moose ... humans find them tasty too!

Nancy and Arnold are being goofy.

Isn't this cute?

Hiking to the Natural Bridge.

Rogue River

The Natural Bridge

Nancy, thank you for bringing us to your favorite place!

Rogue River disappears underground into a lava tube for about 200 feet. Then, the water spits out in the form of violent rapids.

Nancy is making a video of our hike.

Sniff! Sniff! Sniff! 

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